Aktiv – 01.08.2018 bis 28.02.2022
RWE Power AG (RWE), University of L’Aquila (UNIVAQ), Thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions (TKIS), Ulster University (ULSTER), Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal (IChPW), Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH/CPERI)
LIG2LIQ is a 3-year research project co-funded by the European Commision managed Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS). The aim is to develop an economically efficient concept for production of liquid fuels, such as Fischer-Tropsch fuels or methanol, from lignite and solid recovered fuel from municipal waste by means of the High Temperature Winkler (HTW) gasification technology. Capital costs are decreased by an innovative gas cleaning stage for the subsequent synthesis step. The full process chain is tested in a 500 kWₜₕ pilot plant. The process is scaled up to industrial size using adequate models that have been validated at pilot scale. A techno-economic assessment and life cycle analysis is performed. The following objectives are defined to reach this aim:
- Develop and test a concept for HTW gasification of lignite/waste mixtures for the production of syngas, which is optimized with respect to cold gas efficiency carbon conversion efficiency and operability.
- Develop and test a new syngas cleaning technology that meets the specifications for the synthesis catalyst with respect to impurities and reduces the investment costs of the entire plant.
- Test the full process chain including gasification, syngas treatment, and fuel synthesis at realistic conditions and at reasonable scale, i.e. using a 500 kWₜₕ gasifier.
- Develop concepts of industrial plants using adequate models that have been validated at pilot scale.
- Assess the risks of the technology and suggest possibilities for risk mitigation.
- Estimate the cost structures in comparison to conventional technologies.
- Determine the environmental footprint of the process chain throughout the life cycle of a plant.
The LIG2IQ consortium consists of seven international members including three universities, two research institutes and two industrial partners.