Wissenschaftliche MitarbeiterInnen
  Name Kontakt
M.Sc. Martin Nicolas Greco Coppi
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
+49 6151 16-22679
L1|01 343

Akademischer Werdegang

Dipl.-Ing. Maschinenbau (ITBA)
2019 M.Sc. Energy Technologies (KIT)
seit 2019 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am EST


Effizienz, Flexibilität und Optimierung von Komponenten
Umwandlung fester Brennstoffe Verbrennung, Ersatzbrennstoffe/Torrefizierung
  • Carbonate Looping
  • CO2 Utilization


DELTA Darmstädter Energie-Labor für Technologien in der Anwendung
ANICA Advanced Indirectly Heated Carbonate Looping (IHCaL)
waste2biofuels Waste2BioFuels&BaseChemicals in Hessen
CARMEN Carbonate Looping mit einer mobilen Anlage


  • experimentell
  • numerisch/simulativ
  • Wärmespeicherversuchsanlage
  • 300-kWth IHCaL Versuchsanlage
  • Thermogravimetrische Analyse (TGA)
  • Absaugpyrometer
  • EBSILON® Professional, PPSD
  • Siemens NX
  • AutoCAD Plant 3D

Betreuung Lehrveranstaltungen

WiSe 2019/20 Energiesysteme I
Seit SoSe 2020 Energiesysteme II (Regenerative Energiesysteme): Referent für Solar- und Windenergie
  • Conceptual Design and Techno-Economic Analysis of a High Temperature Regeneration Preheater for Efficient CO2 Capture from Lime and Cement Plants

    Konzeptionierung und Technisch-wirtschaftliche Bewertung eines Hochtemperatur-Regenerationsvorwärmers für die effizienten CO2-Abscheidung aus Kalk- und Zementwerken


    Masterthesis, Bachelorthesis

    At the Institute for Energy Systems and Technology (EST), a promising CO2 capture process, the Indirectly Heated Carbonate Looping (IHCaL), is being developed for integration into lime and cement plants, to reduce the associated CO2 emissions. In order to deploy this technology, the efficient heat recovery of the high temperature flue gases by combustion air preheating is required.

    Betreuer/in: M.Sc. Martin Nicolas Greco Coppi

    Ausschreibung als PDF

  • Techno-Economic Analysis and Optimization of Hybrid Absorption Processes for CO2 Capture from Lime and Cement Plants

    Technisch-wirtschaftliche Bewertung und Optimierung hybrider Absorptionsverfahren zur CO2-Abscheidung aus Kalk- und Zementwerken


    Masterthesis, Bachelorthesis

    At the Institute for Energy Systems and Technology (EST), a promising CO2 capture process, the Indirectly Heated Carbonate Looping (IHCaL), is being developed for integration into lime and cement plants, to reduce the associated CO2 emissions. Combining IHCaL with other capture methods, such as absorption with monoethanolamine (MEA), could further reduce the specific energy consumption (SPECCA) and the cost of the entire system. Some hybrid solutions have been proposed, but a process optimization considering techno-economics is still required to assess the potential.

    Betreuer/in: M.Sc. Martin Nicolas Greco Coppi

    Ausschreibung als PDF

Betreute Abschlussarbeiten

  • Jonathan Andreas Wirths – „Process Modelling and Economic Analysis of a Carbonate Looping CO2 Capture Facility for a Steam Methane Reforming Process“ (2021)
  • Emil Elbaek – „1-D Modelling of the Combustor and Calciner of a IHCaL CO2 Capture Process“ (2021)
  • Alexander Braunwarth – „Process Modeling of a CO2 Capture Facility for the Production of Chemicals from Waste“ (2021)
  • Justin Joseph Kailath – „1-D-Modelling of the Combustor and Calciner of IHCaL CO2 Capture Process for lime and cement plants“ (2022)

  • Pablo Aguilar Isaza – „Development of a Combined IHCaL-MEA Process for CO2-Capture from Lime and Cement Plants“ (2022)
  • Peter Maximilian Seufert – „Process Modelling of an Indirectly Heated Carbonate Looping Process with Integrated Water Steam Cycle“ (2022)
  • Eric Siegl – „Techno-Economic analysis of operating modes of a waste incineration plant coupled with PEM electrolysis“ (2023)
  • Paul Bickel – „Modelling and Model Validation for the Development of the IHCaL CO2 Capture Process for Lime and Cement Plant“ (2023)
  • Yassin Azbairi – „Experimental determination of the kinetic parameters and characterization of the calcination and carbonation of limestone and cement raw meal with Thermogravimetric Analysis“ (TGA) (2023)
  • Manuel Daniel Kurkunc – „Selection, Design, Simulation and Techno-Economic Analysis of a CO2-Capture Facility for the Darmstadt Waste-to-Energy Plant“ (2023)
  • Nelly Eisenbach – „Selection, Design, Simulation, and Techno-Economic Analysis of CO2-Utilization Concepts for the Waste-To-Energy Plant Darmstadt“ (2023)

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