"Retrofitting Fluidized Bed Power Plants for Waste-Derived Fuels and CO₂ Capture"


Fördermittelgeber Europäische Union (EU)
  • EST, TU Darmstadt
  • Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH/CPERI)

  • Sumitomo SHI FW (SFW)
  • RWE Power AG (RWE)
  • Fortum Power and Heat Polska (Fortum)
  • Improbed AG
  • RINA Consulting – Centro Sviluppo Materiali (RINA-CSM)
  • RINA Consulting (RINA-C)


REBECCA is a 3.5-year research project funded by the European Commision managed Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS). The aim is to improve the sustainability and economics of existing coal-fired fluidized bed power plants by retrofitting these boilers by means of substitution of coal by waste-derived fuels and integration of CO2 capture technology, while maximizing the efficiency, availability, and load flexibility oft he power plant.

The following objectives are defined to reach this aim:

  • Develop and test a concept in pilot testing, as well as in a commercial boiler to enable the utilization of waste-derived fuels up to 100 % in existing fluidized bed boilers.
  • Develop and test concepts of retrofitting existing Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB) boilers for more than 90% CO2 capture by means of oxy-fuel and chemical looping combustion, as well as for CO2 utilization or storage.
  • Maximizing the boiler efficiency by different means such as a reduction of excess air or the avoidance of depostion on heat exchanger surfaces.
  • Maximizing the flexibility of power generation through increasing the ramp-up/down speed of the boiler load and through reducing the minimum load.
  • Maximizing the lifetime and availability of the boiler by avoiding fouling, corrosion and erosion of heat exchanger surfaces and refractory.
  • Application of air staging and multipollutant emission reduction technologies.
  • Performing multi-level impact assessment (environmental, techno- and socio-economic assessment) to develop conecpts for future useage of retrofit CFB boilers.


Projektverantwortliche(r) (EST) Alexander Kuhn Experimentelle Tätigkeiten

Weitere Informationen

M.Sc. Alexander Kuhn


work +49 6151 16-23006

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