Aktiv – 01.11.2018 bis 31.04.2023
repotec, Chalmers University of Technology (CHT), Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), RWE Power AG (RWE), Fundación CENER-CIEMAT (CENER), University of L’Aquila – Department of Industrial Engineering (UNIVAQ), Vienna University of Technology (TU WIEN), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH (FZJ), AB TORKAPPARATER, University of Ulster (ULSTER), Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH), Unipetrol Centre for Research and Education, a.s. (UNICRE)
The overall aim of the CLARA Horizon 2020 project is to develop an efficient technology for the production of liquid fuels based on chemical looping gasification (CLG) of biogenic residues. One major objective of this project is thus to further develop and test CLG up to 1 MWth scale in an industrially relevant environment. Furthermore, the project aims at developing and optimizing innovative technologies for biomass pre-treatment and syngas cleaning.
Following a detailed investigation of the individual process steps by project partners, the entire process chain from pre-treated biomass to FT biofuels (see figure above) will be demonstrated by pilot tests conducted at the EST pilot plant. Finally, the entire process chain will be evaluated with respect to risks, economics, as well as its impact on environment and society. The following distinct objectives, apart from the project coordination, are defined for EST within the scope of CLARA:
- Definition and optimization of concepts for the overall process chain.
- Development and validation of CLG models.
- Design and installation of modifications on the EST pilot plant for CLG.
- Integration of a gas cleaning test rig in the EST pilot plant.
- Long term full chain pilot plant operation.